Fish culture in household pond and dike cropping management (Khmer version)

Fish culture in household pond and dike cropping management (Khmer version)
Karim, M. (ed. ) (2019). Fish culture in household pond and dike cropping management. Myanmar: WorldFish. Manual.
With the support of the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT), the project 'Promoting sustainable growth of aquaculture in Myanmar to improve food security and income for communities in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone' (MYCulture) aims to pro¬mote small-scale aquaculture development in Myanmar. To achieve this, good training and capacity building is essential and the training manual "Fish Culture in Household Pond and Dyke Cropping Management" has been developed under MYCulture to assist in strengthening the skills, knowledge and attitudes of small-scale producers in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Central Dry Zone.
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