A virtual webinar exploring innovative solutions to boost aquatic animal health resilience in food production systems in Africa.

Date: Thursday, 1 April 2021

Time: 21:00 (UTC+8)

In the 2nd part of this virtual webinar series hosted by Aquaculture Africa Magazine, veterinary science experts came together to discuss efforts to develop the capacity and resilience of small-scale value chain actors dependent on aquatic food production systems for their income and livelihoods.

Jeff Turhune and Brandon Spolander from AquaVet Africa provided insight on how to sample for diseases, the types of sampling and demonstrate how to perform a necropsy on aquatic animals, critical knowledge needed for improved understanding and productivity in managing aquatic animal health in Africa.

Check out Aquaculture Africa Magazine’s official Facebook page to find out more about this webinar and future events, trainings and sessions.

Follow WorldFish and the hashtag #aquaticfoods to check out past conversations on Twitter.