Launch of the first online global freshwater biodiversity Atlas

2 minutes read

A new Atlas of freshwater biodiversity presenting spatial information and species distribution patterns is now available online at

Freshwaters are incredibly diverse habitats: they cover less than 1% of the earth’s surface, yet are home to 35% of all vertebrate species. Sadly, freshwater life is declining at an alarming rate, faster than any other component of global biodiversity.

A challenge for policy is how to integrate protection of freshwater life and the ecosystem services it provides with real and pressing demands on freshwater resources from the energy, food and sanitation sectors.

This new online atlas is a response from freshwater scientists to this policy challenge. It provides policy-makers, water managers and scientists with an online, open-access and interactive gateway to key geographical information and spatial data on freshwater biodiversity across different scales. The atlas is a resource for better, evidence-based decision-making in the area of water policy, science and management.

The atlas is an output of BioFresh – an EU-funded project that is putting together the scattered pieces of information about life in our rivers and lakes, to better understand, manage and protect our freshwaters for generations to come. It is edited by a pan-European group of freshwater science and conservation experts from 12 research institutes and supported by key international organizations active in the field of freshwater biodiversity research and conservation, including WorldFish.

About WorldFish

WorldFish, a member of the CGIAR Consortium, is an international, nonprofit research organization committed to reducing poverty and hunger through fisheries and aquaculture.


CGIAR is a global agriculture research partnership for a food secure future. Its science is carried out by the 15 research centers who are members of the CGIAR Consortium in collaboration with hundreds of partner organizations.

For more information or to request an interview:

Contact: Diane Shohet, Director, Communications and Marketing, WorldFish

Tel: +6017 474 8606
