Aquatic resources valuation and policies for poverty elimination in the lower Mekong basin: final report volume 1 project implementation and outcomes

Aquatic resources valuation and policies for poverty elimination in the lower Mekong basin: final report volume 1 project implementation and  outcomes
Israel, D.C. et al. (2005). Aquatic resources valuation and policies for poverty elimination in the lower Mekong basin: final report volume 1 project implementation and outcomes. WorldFish Center. Cambodia. 149 p.
This report presents the final outputs of the project on "Aquatic resources valuation and policies for poverty elimination in the Lower Mekong Basin". Volume 1 summarizes the implementation process, outcomes and key lessons of the project. The project was implemented in partnership with the Dept of Fisheries, Cambodia. It was developed to improve understanding of the economic and social values of aquatic resources, as a step towards improving institutional and policy processes in the Lower Mekong Basin so that resource management decisions better reflect the interests of the rural poor.
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