Basic biosecurity manual for tilapia hatchery technicians in Bangladesh

Basic biosecurity manual for tilapia hatchery technicians in Bangladesh
Mohamed Din, M.S.; Subasinghe, R. (2017). Basic biosecurity manual for tilapia hatchery technicians in Bangladesh. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Manual: FISH-2017-10
With the onset of Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) outbreaks in several Asian countries, WorldFish, in collaboration with Bangladesh’s Department of Fisheries, has developed a program to improve biosecurity in the tilapia industry throughout the country. As the first step, a training program has been designed and conducted to train a group of specialists called Master Trainers on improving tilapia hatchery biosecurity. This manual is a result of that program. The Master Trainers will use this manual for training tilapia hatchery technicians countrywide on how to improve biosecurity in hatcheries.
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