Food and nutrition security vulnerability to mainstream hydropower dam development in Cambodia

Food and nutrition security vulnerability to mainstream hydropower dam development in Cambodia
IFReDI (2013). Food and nutrition security vulnerability to mainstream hydropower dam development in Cambodia. Synthesis report of the FiA/Danida/WWF/Oxfam project "Food and nutrition security vulnerability to mainstream hydropower dam development in Cambodia". Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute, MAFF. 44 p.
The ‘Food and Nutrition Security Vulnerability to Mainstream Hydropower Dam Development in Cambodia’ project examined national food and nutrition vulnerability arising from the potential construction of the Stung Treng (ST) and Sambor (SB) dams. This project consisted of three components: i) an assessment of the food consumption in rural households nationwide, ii) an assessment of the impacts of Cambodian mainstream dams on fish yield, and iii) an assessment of the impacts of Cambodian mainstream dams on fish consumption and food security in Cambodia. The project was implemented, under IFReDi’s responsibility, from June 2011 to September 2012 by a multidisciplinary team (hydrological modeller, dam specialist, fishery scientists, nutritionists, surveyors) supervised by an external Technical Advisory Committee.
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