Tilapia marketing tests in Kuwait

Tilapia marketing tests in Kuwait
Hopkins, M.L.; Hopkins, K.D. (1986). Tilapia marketing tests in Kuwait. The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society,Manila, Philippines
In 1982, live tilapia (Oreochromis ) were introduced into the Kuwait markets for the first time as part of a project to determine their aquaculture potential in Kuwait. Further market tests were held in 1983, 1984 and 1985. Various sizes (250-900 g) and two color patterns (natural coloration and red) of tilapia were sold and consumer response measured. Kuwaitis were initially cautious because the fish were unknown to them. Other consumers, particularly Egyptians who were familiar with tilapia, enthusiastically purchased the fish. In the later years, Kuwaitis' acceptance of the fish increased substantially. Large tilapia were preferred by Kuwaitis while the Egyptians preferred smaller fish. Natural-colored tilapia were much more preferred than the red. Various marketing strategies for new aquaculture products are discussed.
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