Please join us on 26 August 2019 (this coming Monday), from 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM (UTC) (time zone converter) at the Auditorium, WorldFish HQ for a Fish For Thought seminar. The presentation will be given by Prof. Konrad Dabrowski from the Ohio State University, Columbus, USA on ‘Aquaculture research and teaching at Ohio State University’. The session will also be streamed live via Skype for Business for audiences participating remotely at the following hyperlink:

In this talk, Prof. Dabrowski would give an overview on the aquaculture research and teaching work that he is working on in Ohio State University (OSU), namely several projects related to finfish nutrition, reproduction, embryology, toxicology, genetics both related to aquaculture and fisheries. Highlights include studies on Lake Erie in collaboration performed with Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at OSU and Ohio Division of Wildlife (ODNR) by analyzing the biochemical aspects (lipids, fatty acids, vitamins) of walleye and yellow perch reproduction and offspring quality. He will also highlight studies carried out with University of Illinois and State University of New York in Brockport involving lake trout and walleye “early mortality syndrome” associated with thiamine deficiency. Studies with tilapia and other ornamental, tropical fish (collaboration with Brazil, Peru and Colombia) involving controlled reproduction, yolk utilization, larval rearing and use of biofuel algae in diet formulations. As well as studies in collaboration with Ohio State Piketon Research Station and Department of Animal Sciences at OSU address replacement of fish meal with plant proteins enriched with amino acids and peptides by analyzing their effect on reproduction, genetic selection and offspring quality.

Prof. Dabrowski received his M.Sc. in 1972 from Agriculture University, Olsztyn, Poland, majoring in Inland Fisheries, and obtained Ph.D. in the same university in 1976. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled: Utilization of on-protein nitrogen in common carp nutrition. In 1984 he received his D.Sc. from Agricultural University, Szczecin, Poland, based on his work on “Energetic and biochemical aspects of reproduction strategy in coregonid fish”. The employment and professional history includes postdoctoral fellowship at The University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK in 1977-78, Senior Research Associate, National Institute of Agriculture, Laboratory of Fish Nutrition, St. Pee sur Nivelle, France, 1981-1984, visiting professor in Department of Aquaculture, University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan in 1984-85, visiting professor in the Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, in 1988-89. He joined OSU in the same year.

Please come along to what promises to be a stimulating and interesting talk. Hope to see you there!