The Micronutrient Forum, a global platform dedicated to advancing knowledge about vital micronutrients like vitamins and minerals for better public health and nutrition, plays a pivotal role. It fosters collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to combat micronutrient deficiencies, promote evidence-based interventions, and enhance global population health.

The upcoming Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference will convene international and national delegates from diverse sectors and disciplines. Their goal is to develop compelling, evidence-based strategies that bolster nutrition and enhance population resilience against mounting challenges, including climate change and conflicts.

During the conference, the CGIAR Nutrition, Health, and Food Security Impact Area Platform will host a symposium titled “Nourishing Nations: CGIAR Innovations for Improving Nutrition and Food Security in Food Systems Transformation.” This symposium will showcase CGIAR’s innovative solutions that have positively impacted food and nutrition security.

Keynote Title: CGIAR Innovations in Transforming Food Systems for Nourishing Nations

Representation from WorldFish: Quennie Vi Rizaldo, WorldFish

Date: Monday, 16 October 2023

Time: 19:30 – 21:00 (GMT+8/Malaysia time)

Location: Yangtze Hall, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands

Click here to learn more



The world is facing multiple, complex and cascading challenges that are adversely impacting human well-being, including nutrition and micronutrient security. #MNF2023 will bring together diverse international and national delegates across sectors and disciplines to drive compelling and evidence-based agendas that promote nutrition and strengthen population resilience in the face of rising shocks including climate change and man-made conflicts.

The Nutrition Impact Platform is organizing a session titled ‘CGIAR Innovations in Transforming Food Systems for Nourishing Nations’ in the Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference. This session is aimed to showcase CGIAR innovations that demonstrate positive impact, with potential for adoption and scaling, for nourishing nations. A panel of experts will be engaged to react to these innovations; and discuss the emerging trends and priorities to accelerate research for improving global food and nutrition security.


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We look forward to your active participation.